So I decided pretty early in my pregnancy that I wanted to cloth diaper. It seems to be the cheapest alternative to disposables, although less convenient. We may spend $300-400 at first, but in the long run we will save hundreds, ESPECIALLY if we can use them for more than one baby.
Taylor and I decided we would register for plenty of disposable as well to use for the first few months, or to even send to grandparents' houses.
I have found a few brands that I really like. I bought 1 Alvababy one size AIO the other day...they are only around $5 a diaper+insert which is a great deal, but they may come with weird defects or not even fit the baby which is why I only bought 1. However if they fit well and don't seem to have any problems I will go buy tons more because they have some darn cute prints and for only $5 you can't beat that.
I also SPLURGED!!! and got a Charlie Banana diaper yesterday at Target (I flipped out (happy flip out, not mad) and begged Taylor for took a few minutes haha. (Did I mention I have a wonderful husband...not to mention super handsome! ;] )) The Charlie Banana cds were $20 a piece...which I never would have considered before yesterday but I changed my mind and got one. (That's totally acceptable to do when you're pregnant btw)
A few other cloth diapers I have been eyeing are Bum Genius ($$$), Flip diaper ($$), and Econobum ($)...I want to have 20 or more diapers to start out with because I could tell myself I'm gonna do laundry every day but I would be kidding myself. (But I also don't want just one brand because some brands are better for night time or outings.)
Also, I have a friend on Facebook who cloth diapers and she has sewn a few of her own, which is something I could do...because I love sewing and the more I see and hear about cloth diapers the more I love win win!
So I'm going to put up links so that those who are interested and want to start cloth diapering can have an idea of some cloth diaper brands and their reviews...because I had no idea where to start... and I am still lost on a few things.
Flip Diapers
Flip Diapers review
Econobum Diapers
Econobum Review
Random cloth diaper site
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